I'm not sure which was more of a challenge, the MAX/MSP programming or climbing Yr Eifl at the weekend. Yr Eifl is a lovely mountain on the Llyn Peninsula in North Wales, a few miles from my Great Grandmother's village. We chose a warm, sunny and very blustery day to climb. As we ascended and the coast dropped away below us, the outline of the peninsula became visible, then, appearing over the pass, the Snowdonia range and Anglesea. The summit was triumphant and all the Westerly Welsh Winds agreed, they encouraged us across the eastern flank to the deserted hillfort of Tre'r Ceiri. In celebration of our walk I wrote
two tunes
a celebratory 5/4 for Yr Eifl and a more reflective 3/4 for Tre'r Ceiri, the beautiful hillfort separated from Yr Eifl by a meadow of bog cotton and heather.
In comparison, the MAX programming was more of a scramble, with no discernible path and a crumpled map, with only online fora for gps. I've had to dust off my programming fingers working on the two max patches for the Mr McFalls pieces. In case you've not come across
it's "an interactive graphical programming environment for music, audio, and media". It has been a while since I used MAX and so I've been exploring and experimenting to rebuild my knowledge. The patch I've been working on so far listens to the live performers and is set to trigger various samples if it hears a particular frequency in a given time window. The summit is eluding me, just as I think I'm there, I turn a corner and there is another stretch ahead. I'm sure the view will be exhilarating once we get into the studio.